By Deena Janel, Psychic Medium, Astral Whispers

Kundalini is the energy located at the base of your spine. If you were to picture it, it would be coiled like a snake in your sacrum (your Root chakra). Kundalini yoga and meditation encourages this energy up and through the seven chakras—or spiritual centers—and out above your head in your Crown chakra.

  • Crown chakra
  • Third eye chakra
  • Throat chakra
  • Heart chakra
  • Solar plexus chakra
  • Navel chakra
  • Root chakra

Kundalini yoga and meditation are advanced practices, that most believe takes years to master. But some basic mental and physical benefits are achieved early on.

The Physical Benefits of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation

  • Elimination of toxins: Kundalini uses breathing techniques including deep stomach inhalations and exhalations. This assists the flow of oxygen, which cleanses the body and releases toxins.
  • Elimination of chronic pain:Those suffering from chronic pain often feel like “everything” hurts. Kundalini creates self-awareness that allows pain-sufferers to identify what actually hurts. Knowing that the pain is coming from a particular area of the body can help make the pain more manageable.
  • Enhanced meditation results: Chemicals and hormones are produced by meditation. They include: serotonin, melatonin, and GABA. These substances decrease depression, stabilize our moods, and help us sleep, resulting in a clearer, more balanced existence.
  • Magnified senses: Kundalini is often used to help people with nerve damage. It also helps improve sensory perception by releasing this energy into the body.

The Mental and Spiritual Benefits of Kundalini

By practicing Kundalini, the mental state is vastly improved. Benefits include:

  • Grounding our purpose in the universe: Kundalini heightens our senses, leading to a greater view of the world, allowing those who practice it to prioritize their worries, and feel more grounded.
  • Promoting healthy self-esteem: Because Kundalini is a great force living within each one of us, the release of it can alleviate feelings of worthlessness or self-hate.
  • Inner peace: Kundalini reminds us of our ability to relax and remain calm.

It takes a long time and a lot of practice to achieve the true state of mind and results of Kundalini. It is very powerful, which is why beginners are highly encouraged to do it with a trained teacher present.

Have you ever considered learning to do this type of yoga or meditation? Is it something you have practiced in the past, or practice now? I would love to hear about your experiences with it. Please comment here or contact me at 856-981-6625 or

Kundalini: Energy that Helps Us Physically, Mentally and Spiritually